SPRING HAS SPRUNG | It's the season of new beginnings and optimism...
SPRING IS SPRUNG | So many reasons why this is my absolute favourite season.

Oh my goodness I get excited when I first see this🤗 The first brave little crocus pushing up through the solid ground and freezing snow and ice to meet the sun, to declare itself alive and returned after a long sleep.
I love Spring. I’ve always loved spring. It’s a season of optimism, as new life springs forth everywhere you look. Light and dark are evenly balanced. It’s a time for clearing and cleansing and re energising.
And the Spring Equinox is a perfect time to clear out and set new intentions. We even just had a new moon - a perfect time for us gals to get going - so it's a fantastic time to start new things, put long concocted plans in place, finally start that business, visit that place you've always wanted to see, start a new hobby, a new health regime, make new friends and connections.
Whatever it is you decide to do, feel it deeply and commit to it. Know that, like the crocus, there will be struggle at times. It's all part of the process. The crocus cant break through, strong of stem and in full bloom, without fighting its way through the ground, without braving the cold.
So go make like a Crocus. Start now!! And, you know where I hang out, if you decide not to go it alone.😉
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