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Disclaimer - I am not religious! I have though, spent my entire life studying various faiths and religions and the last 2o+ years studying the mind, and I do consider myself deeply spiritual, but what does that even mean?

I'm not an expert on spirituality by any stretch, I'm not sure anyone can honestly say they are, but I have been learning survival techniques for four decades or more, and so I think I know a thing or several about keeping our minds and souls intact, and about how to prevent them from ending up in tatters.

For me, spirituality plays a big part in that process, possibly bigger and more impactful than all the more formal skills, techniques, processes and modalities I've studied, (If you have even the slightest interest in what these are, there's a list on my website). But why and how so? Well, I can only speak from my own experience of course but hey, that's what I'm here for right, to share my experience? You see, all the therapy, coaching, self-help book reading in the world, means absolutely nada, zero, zilch, if it isn't implemented and implemented consistently. To do that, in my humble but extensive experience, requires a few things:

1. Purpose (an end goal)

2. Desire

3. Connection

4. Belief

5. Focus

All of the above require something intangible that comes from somewhere unseen. That, for me, is where spirituality sits. Not from meditating on a silk cushion in a candlelit, incense filled silent room, although that's all absolutely lovely of course and I do lots of it. However, the real breakthroughs come from the dark dank recesses of the cave where our fears, guilt, insecurities and doubts live, like Gollum in Lord of the Rings. Like that top bloke Joseph Campbell said, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."

You might notice that I put focus at the bottom of the list there. Not by accident. Most coaches, consultants, self proclaimed gurus and even therapists, think that focus is the most important factor in making changes, getting shizzle done or encouraging creativity. Not in my experience - my own or that of working with hundreds of clients over the last 17 years. No, focus is impossible without having a connection to what you're doing. Connection is impossible without a purpose and a desire, and none of it is possible without a great big dollop of belief. That's the spiritual bit of the puzzle. The internal shift that flicks the switch. It can come in the form of meditation if that's your thing. It can equally come in the form of a sport, connecting with nature, writing, joining a group of likeminded and like hearted peeps, and yes, it can even come in the form of religion if that's your jam. You can even work with a damn good coach or therapist with actual lived experience, to help you find your thing (wink wink).

For me, that extra thing I need comes in the form of words. Words hold such incredible power. Words spoken, words written, words creatively expressed. The power of language and words has fascinated my all my life. Studying the field is how I came to heal my own trauma, how I came to understand my mother's schizophrenia and my father's depression and how I came to design a life I can get excited about and feel in control of...most of the time. Words and language showed me the way into and out of the cave, and showed me the work that needed to be done while I was in there.

We all need something to believe in. When you find it within you, that's spirituality. How about you?


As always, I’d love to know what you think.


With love,


Michele x

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