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Hi love,

If you've been following my musings for the last few weeks, you'll know I've been eagerly awaiting March. Not just because it marks the arrival of spring, my favourite most productive season and the real start of my year but because this March the most eventual month of a very powerful year of awakening and potential transformation, for us and for the world. Incredible energetic shifts and alignments are happening in our skies and planets are inviting us to dance with them. They are literally lining up to help us....if we let them.

Don't worry if you're reading this later though. This energy will be around for the whole of 2023! Think of March as the big switch on. An energy surge to kickstart the year ahead.

First on the March calendar is the full moon in Virgo. I’m calling this full moon the Medicine Moon. It’s going to bring us the medicine we need but may not necessarily want or know we need. Virgo has a strong cleansing energy and full moon’s are always a time of purging, letting go, releasing so put these two together and we get the chance to have a serious emotional and spiritual detox. Virgo is all about detail and getting grounded so it’s time to get out the microscope, delve deep and have a good close up look at what’s going on and what needs to change for us. What story have you been living? What stories have you been telling yourself? How can you rewrite your story?

Not only do we have this scrutinising full moon on March 7 but on the same day, within a few hours window, there’s a major planetary karmic shift when Saturn, after spending 2.5 years in Aquarius, moves into Pisces. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020. Whenever a planet transits into a new karmic cycle (changes sign), there is closure and endings but also openings and opportunities, as one karmic cycle ends, so a new one begins. We have to finish before we can begin again, right?

Saturn is the great teacher and while in Aquarius, was all about disrupting the status quo, stirring up the waters to see what was lurking. Think about the karmic chaos of the last few years. It was all necessary to show us what needs to change and to inform our way forward. As Saturn transits into Pisces, it’s time to take all the learnings and start to make change happen. Saturn is all about boundaries and Pisces goes with the flow (water sign), so there will be challenges ahead but challenges that will teach us about where those boundaries should be and what our version of ‘change’ should look like. Think of this Saturn / Pisces dance as a yin and yang tango. Pisces invites us to dance, Saturn teaches us the technical moves and makes sure we don’t step on anyone’s toes.

This dance creates the most amazing opportunities if you choose to work with them. Pisces encourages us to open up and explore, to be adventurous, to get creative and to go with the flow. Saturn asks us to set boundaries to protect ourselves and to take practical action to meet our dreams and goals. Add grounded, detail oriented perfectionist Virgo to the mix and shine that full moon energy on it all and POW, that’s a recipe for powerful, transformative magic if you ask me. Saturn will stay in Pisces until 25 May, so we have time to learn, master and enjoy the dance.

There are other significant astrological happenings throughout March, but I’m not an astrologer so I won’t go into any more detail. There are plenty of great astrologers out there that can give you their take and more detail. I encourage you to seek them out if this is something that interests you. Find one that really speaks your language and that you can engage with and check in regularly. I do. So, what can you do to prepare for and harness the power of all this turbo boosted energy?


There has never been a better time to explore your story/stories. There is a real opportunity for change and transformation here if you choose to harness it. So, I'm sharing a potentially very deep practice that I haven't shared outside my client group before. Why? Because we all deserve the opportunity to look closely at our story and the chance to edit, rewrite or create a new story. That's what I'm all about after all and I want us all to realise we have the potential and capability to do this work and to have a story we are proud to own! The planetary activity that is happening this month is calling us to do this and can turbo boost this work, so it seemed like the perfect time to share this with you.

I really recommend getting a new notebook for this work. Energetically, it’s important in terms of creating space and focus and so that you can dedicate time to the practice I’m going to offer you.

1. Put aside 10 to 15 minutes each day for the next 4 days to sit quietly and undisturbed

with you and your notebook. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, just decide and

take the time. Don’t tell me, or yourself, that you can’t create 10 or 15 minutes in a full

24 hours. I know you can!

2. Each day, take a cup or a glass of your favourite, comforting beverage, sit in your

favourite environment, whether that’s a room, a bookshop, out in nature, take out your

notebook and favourite writing instrument and follow these prompts:


Write the following question out on a dedicated page in your notebook/journal

“What story have I been telling myself for the last two years or so, that I know in my

heart needs to change?”

Write freely for 5 minutes (set a timer if you need to) in answer to this question. Don’t edit, try not to pause, don’t judge yourself for what you’re writing, don’t edit. This is between you, the page, the pen and the universe. No one else will ever see or hear it…unless you want them to.


Physically close your notebook/journal and put down your pen. Walk away. Look out of the window, top up your drink, whatever feels good. Close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and say out loud to yourself “I’m ready to write from my heart.”

Sit with your notebook/journal and pen, read the question again and immediately begin writing again for 5 minutes without pausing. When you’re finished, put away the notebook and pen and don’t touch it again until Day 2. Don’t be tempted to go back and read what you’ve written.


DO NOT read what you wrote yesterday. Open your notebook/journal and on a new, blank page, write the following question:

“What stories have I been telling others about my life/situation/feelings that aren’t

the whole picture, the whole truth?”

We all hide, embellish, hold back, get creative with the truth sometimes. We create stories that paint the picture we want others to see or that protect us from the vulnerability of not knowing what others will do with that truth if we share it with them. We create stories to hide scars or to avoid being scarred. When we tell these stories to others though, we tell them to ourselves and become less ourselves in the process.

Write freely for 5 minutes without pause, open your heart and speak your whole truth to the page. Remember, it’s just you and the page. When you’re finished, as on Day 1, put everything away and don’t come back to it.


Again DO NOT read back what you’ve already written on days 1 and 2. Open your notebook/journal and on a fresh, blank page, write the following:

“If I could rewrite my story over the last 2 years or so, would I?

If you answer yes, write out the following question:

“What are 3 key things I would change about my story?”

List those three things.

If you answered no, write out the following question:

“Is there anything about my story over the last 2 years, that is not my truth?”

Spend a few minutes freely writing about this or listing anything you discover.

Put away your notebook/journal and pen immediately and resist reading back what you’ve written.


Spend as much time as you need to, reading back what you wrote in answer to the prompts on days 1, 2 and 3.

On a fresh blank page, answer the following:

1. How do I feel when I read back what I’ve written?

2. What do I notice while reading what I’ve written? Do I see any patterns?

3. Is there something that needs to change?

4. Am I ready to rewrite my story?

Write freely, openly and with a level of honesty you may not have allowed yourself to have before. When we face our truth, change really is possible. It isn’t possible without it.


When you’ve done this kind of deep work, it’s crucial to take some time to process what has come to the surface and to take really good care of yourself, physically and emotionally. Here is a little ritual I love to do to re ground and calm myself after a deep dive into my story.


• Firstly, the most important part of this ritual is to just set some time aside to dedicate to it. Time is so precious and can seem in such short supply, but we have a whole 24 hours in a day. You can absolutely find 30 minutes of that to spend with yourself. It’s just over 2% of the day.

• Light a white candle for cleansing and have some essential oil burning or nearby if you have it. Patchouli or Vetiver are my go-to’s but it really doesn’t matter about the property of the oil at this point. The important thing is that you like it and it makes you feel good.

• Have herbs nearby or a herbal tea. Sage and camomile are my favs but again, the important thing is that you feel comforted and good, so the choice is yours.

Spend around 10/15 minutes just being in this space and time now. Nothing to do. Nothing to decide. Nothing to judge. Just be. Then… • GET OUT….go for a walk, sit in the garden, just connect with nature and allow her to reground you and aid your healing now.

TREE WORK Be with, and touch if you can, a tree. Their healing and grounding power is immense and now well proven. The tree we’re travelling with this year is a perfect choice, the Willow. The willow signifies balance and adaptability. You may need both after the work you’ve done here. The mighty Oak is a great choice too. It’ll imbue you with strength and confidence to do whatever it is you now know you need to do.

So well done my love, and I mean that sincerely, not a whiff of patronising. This is tough work, but I promise you from my heart and experience, that it will never be as hard again. You have an understanding and clarity you may not have felt before because, in the words of the late great Bowie, you turned yourself to face you. You’ve crossed a threshold, stepped through a portal to a better version of things, the beginning of a new chapter of your story, maybe even the start of a whole new story.

I can’t wait to see how it unfolds. I do love a good story and yours looks set to be exceptional. Huge love and strength from me to you.

Michele x

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